Children with disabilities might have a hard time in traditional schools. Even with regulations in place to help these children, schools might fail to adequately meet the needs of each individual student; and that doesn’t even take into account social problems that some of these children might also face.
For some families, homeschooling can be the perfect solution to many of the problems that children with disabilities might face at a traditional public or private school. Here are five ways that homeschooling can help children with disabilities succeed in their schooling.
1. Students with Disabilities Can Have Their Individual Needs Met
Traditional schools try to accommodate children with disabilities, but not every school has all of the resources necessary to truly help these students excel in the classroom. Some of these students might have sensory or anxiety disorders that are hard for schools to work around. At home, parents can make sure that there is a safe learning environment that caters to their needs. For example, children with sensory disorders might need a place that is quiet and dimly lit. In schools, teachers can’t turn off lights to make sure one student is comfortable.
Desks might also be uncomfortable for those with physical disabilities. Sitting on the floor or on a yoga ball might make these students feel more comfortable while they complete their schoolwork. Certain color schemes and music choices might also be helpful for students with disabilities, and these needs are more easily met in a one-on-one situation at home.
In a traditional classroom, students with disabilities are often left behind when they don’t grasp a concept at the same rate as their peers. With homeschooling, students can work at their own pace without feeling the anxiety that comes with being behind other students. In the same scope, parents can spend more time teaching concepts that children are struggling with. With Power Homeschool’s online classes, our technology will catch when students are having a hard time understanding specific concepts and then go back to help students understand. Often, children with disabilities aren’t going to get this type of personalized teaching at a traditional school.
2. Parents Can Focus on Their Child’s Strengths
Most schools teach every single student the same lesson, and these lessons are generally taught through lectures, homework, written reports, and standardized tests. Children with disabilities often need to be taught in different ways. If your child learns better with hands-on activities, you can avoid trying to force them to learn through rote memorization or written reports.
To make lessons more interesting, parents can also incorporate some of their child’s favorite things. For example, if your child loves animals, you can use animals in your lesson to keep your child motivated to complete their schoolwork.
3. Homeschooling Can Provide Saftey from Bullying
Unfortunately, students with disabilities are often the target of bullying and teasing from their classmates. Parents of children with disabilities worry that their children will be rejected based solely on their disability. The increased risk of bullying frightens a lot of parents of children with disabilities.
With homeschooling, parents can find peer groups where their children can be accepted and make friends. Playdates can be arranged with other children of the parents’ choosing. Additionally, children with disabilities can be taught what positive social interactions look like, which isn’t always the case when children are away at school for hours every day.
4. Coursework Can Be Done at a Time That Works Best for the Student
Structure and routine are important for all children, and children with disabilities often rely on this type of structure. However, children with disabilities might require more frequent breaks to stay focused and prevent frustration. Disabilities might also lead to bad days, and students aren’t likely to get much accomplished on a really bad day. Instead, parents can rest assured that their child isn’t going to fall behind when they are having a hard time.
It can be a challenge to work doctor’s appointments into a school day at a traditional school. When parents homeschool their children, they have the ability to schedule in doctor’s appointments without worrying about missed class time.
Online homeschooling coursework through Power Homeschool allows students to work at their own pace, so on bad days, there is no need to feel guilty for skipping a day and working when it is best for your child.
5. There Are Fewer Distractions at Home
At school, there are all kinds of different distractions. From other kids to flickering lights, children with disabilities might not be able to stay focused with so many different distractions. Homeschooling allows parents to create an ideal school setting for their child. By creating a quiet, comfortable place without any distractions, you can help your child be more productive in the classroom.
My name is Marlolis Villarreal and I have a son with Autism. Will this program work for him
I would like to know this as well. My daughter is autistic and loves math, but has a hard time with reading and writing. Would this be OK for her?
How much does this cost for 4th grade?
Hello Veronica, great question! You can see our pricing information here on our enrollment page: Pricing – Enroll
Hi- my son is Autistic and we tried about 4 other programs and styles of homeschooling first and this was the best fit. Everything is in one place -he signs on and has 7 courses. He does not get confused. He is high functioning , I am not sure where your son falls on the spectrum – but this has been an amazing fit for my son.
Yes it works out on your terms I took my son out I’m no longer a slave to public school one size fits all I’m serious I know how autism is the schools aren’t equipped to deal with these kids at all bc they weren’t trained I’m just getting a few other diagnosis
I have been homeschooled for(nearly)all my life.
I have a child with learning problems will this work ? Also how does the paperwork go for each quarter do I still have to do that?
My son is entering his sophomore year of high school and cannot read. He has gotten lost in the whole covid mess as well. Can you effectively work with a student who cannot read at level?
Best for us right now in our life I know it has to be
I have a child on the Autism spectrum and is in public school in special education with resource and accommodations and modifications in place with an IEP….. is your program suitable for my child?
As a parent, we are happy to have this kind of homeschool online program because you have a bonding to your children and not exhausted to our children and they know their role and responsibility and they can help the errands inside the house. That is why you can gave what they want. They doing their best to past all their academics. So, i will suggest to the parent’s have a busy and toxic work try this homeschool. Less stress for the parent’s and children. I will rate 10 star for the owner they doing this kind of program. Have a blessed business more succeed and have a healthy health. May god bless you all and your family. I wish more parent’s try this program. Thank you for the owner.
Will this program accommodate my sons reading comprehension disabilities?
Can the children start at a different grade level? My son is 14 and in 7th grade but I am pulling him out for online because he is so behind! Currently his studies are between 2-4th grade level! Can I start him at those levels with this program? I am going to try to build a better foundation as the school system didn’t address his issues and help him they just pushed him forward which actually made him regress!
Hi! Pulling your kid out of public school will be the best thing you ever do for your child. The public school system is made to group every kid together and if your child is anything other than what they consider “normal” then they will just push him through to get the funding. My son is 14 and on the spectrum. I pulled him out when the pandemic started and homeschooled using Easy Peasy and Accellus. He is above grade level now! Accellus is great for catching up to grade level and EasyPeasy picks up fun electives like Marine Biology. I filed with the state as a homeschool and never looked back. Take the education into your own hands. You don’t need an IEP, you are his IEP!!!!!!
love this!
Wow! This is great and eased my mind, thanks for sharing
Are courses available with ASL interpreting for deaf/hard of hearing students?
My son currently has an IEP at his public school. I am withdrawing him within the next 48 hours and wanted to check and see how IEP’s work with you Power Homeschooling Services. Please let me know how I could implement his IEP with your online homeschooling.
You can use IEP with Accellus but if you homeschool, you don’t really need an IEP. That is all from the ridiculous school system we have in place. It means that your kid isn’t like the rest and needs “special” remedies. I ditched all of the that when I started Accellus! You can still use it, but why?
If you’re in Georgia, the Department of Education, requires a IEP if you desire to homeschool your child. At least that is what the Department of Education in Atlanta tells me. I still in conversations with them, because their regulations are confusing. I want the best for my daughter. She is autistic, she had being bullied from another autistic child since last year. My husband isn’t agreeing with me but I’m trying to get her out of school. Might cost me a divorce, but my daughter comes first and I’m her voice and I will do anything to keep her safe.
My son had a IEP but I’m homeschooling he has a learning disability would this work for him
I have (3) girls, the youngest will be 13 (autistic with learning disabilities) excellent reader, absolutely no understanding of math, the oldest just turned 17 (a senior with autism, sensory issues, OCD, and learning disabilities) good at spelling, struggles to read, no understanding of math. Both girls have come very far since removing them from public schools with IEPs and special ed, (they couldn’t read anything, write anything, or spell their own names; now they can…but I’m sure they are capable of so much more)
My son is higher functioning autistic and he is in 9th grade now how is the highschool program is it hard for autistic kiddos a little bit behind in studies
Yes they will help your child with autism I have a son that’s on autism and they helped him very well only thing I need him to do is to learn how to write other than that he is smart thank you very much PowerSchool.
My son has autism and refuses to go to school. I am trying to get him a curriculum to follow. He needs to work at his own pace. is this program the right fit for him?
My son is 5 yrs and has autism and nonverbal he goes to school but the teacher constantly everyday it’s his behavior he won’t sit down or crying all day I’m really thinking about homeschooling him do you have levels for a kindergarten or 1st grader I’m don’t know what to do my heart is telling me this may be the best option for him
My grandson is going into the 6th grade. He is currently in the IEP program at school. I am not sure that they are meeting his needs. He still has problems with reading and writing. He does pretty well with him math. Will this program get him what he needs to feel confident with his learning?
Thank you
My daughter is 16 years old autistic very functional, very talktative, makes friends easlily knows reading, writing the problem is math she hates it but knows the basics. Last school year she complained about being bullied at school. That’s the main reason why i want her trying homw schooling. Please contact me with info on how this works I’m interested thank you!!
My grandson had cancer missed 3 1/2 years of school. Was in special Ed. Now I need help so he can at least get his diploma.