Three siblings, Michael, Parker, and Taylor Rhine (17), all triplets, have struggled with dyslexia for a long time. They began their homeschool journey when their mother, Rhonda, discovered the public school system was not meeting their needs. Rhonda explained they started transitioning to homeschooling because they found the curriculum that best suits their needs, Power Homeschool. They have been a loyal Power Homeschool family since the triplets were in 4th grade; however, the start of their journey was a bit of a rocky experience.
“Public school had destroyed my children’s love of learning and their self-esteem because of their dyslexia,” Rhonda said. “Homeschooling was never on my radar.”
She explained her children had to take the third grade twice in the public school setting. Their confidence eroded, and valuing her children’s mental health, she felt it was time to make a change.
Transitioning to Homeschooling
Their transition into homeschooling began as Rhonda started to do a copious amount of research. As she looked for the right program for her students, she found Acellus online, leading her to Power Homeschool. After completing her investigation of the curriculum, Rhonda decided to take the plunge and enrolled her sons. During the beginning phases of their family’s educational journey, Michael, Parker, and Taylor struggled with reading and their times tables in mathematics. Not discouraged, she recommended that they stay at grade level and start in Power Homeschool’s fourth-grade curriculum.
“At first, I would sit with them and help them understand unfamiliar words,” she said. “When they reached a point of exhaustion, I would continue to read to them myself and help them with any questions they had.”
Throughout the time spent working through the fourth grade, Rhonda mentioned her sons took a liking to the instructors, their favorite being Ms. Hillman, a fourth-grade science instructor.
“She was great at keeping their attention the entire time, and my sons even began to take an interest in learning again,” Rhonda said. By the time her students were in middle school, the boys were able to work through most of the content independently, and their reading skills improved tremendously compared to when they first started. She shared that watching her sons overcome their academic struggles and blossom in confidence was “truly a godsend.”
Rhonda noted that there are immense opportunities to incorporate outside activities into their educational plan. She explained that there is a big perk in homeschooling: being able to go on outings whenever they want.
Some of the outings have involved:
- Spending the day at the Museum of Science.
- Working at a local horse farm.
- Going to the zoo.
- Visiting local fish hatcheries to learn about the lifecycle of marine wildlife.
- Taking nature hikes with other homeschooled children at local state parks.
- Volunteering at a local food bank, working alongside other community members.
When her sons’ work is completed for the week, and after their special outings, Rhonda said she began incorporating ‘Fun Fridays.’ During their family’s Friday festivities, “We would meet with our homeschooling friends at the park for activities including nerf gun games and picnics.”
Stepping into the present, Michael, Parker, and Taylor are embarking on their junior year, still utilizing the same program they’ve had since the fourth grade. Rhonda reports her sons are now taking AP courses while maintaining above a 3.0 grade point average. Additionally, each of her children is accomplishing these joyous feats without any outside accommodation. She said the switch from public school has made a difference in her sons’ lives.
Rhonda explained homeschooling has allowed her children to be committed cadets in the Civil Air Patrol, where they have each earned their rank of Cadet Master Sergeant. Each of her students is committed to their studies and takes their education with Power Homeschool seriously. Currently, Michael, Parker, and Taylor remain active within their roles in the Civil Air Patrol and are part of the Civil Air Patrol’s Color Guard Team. The boys attend weekend officer trainings, where they are required to complete essays and other coursework while also training new and upcoming cadets within their squadron.
Looking into the future, after graduation, Parker and Michael plan to jumpstart their military careers. She explained they are on track to receive their Billy Mitchell award within the Civil Air Patrol, which will land them the rank of an E3 when they enter the Air Force. Taylor, however, plans to follow a path closer to home. He is embarking on a mission to follow in his father’s footsteps. He plans on working toward earning his degree in construction management, with the goal of becoming a commercial construction superintendent.
“Without this program, I am not sure how we would have made it through the education process,” she said. “I am truly grateful for Roger Billings and the Power Homeschool teachers who have made learning enjoyable and attainable for my family.”
Dr. Roger Billings is the creator of the Acellus Learning System used by Power Homeschool..
Wonderful! Nice of you to share your story with us. We also love Power H.S. My daughter has completed 8th and 9th grade curriculum and she is moving on to 10th this month. She loves it. We love it.
Anyone whose child was doing good in school then became unhappy losing interest, this is the school to sign your child up. My Grandaughter is happy again getting good grades again.