For the Stydinger family, the world is their classroom. Although they call North Carolina home, homeschooling has allowed them to go on global adventures and experience life in different cultures. Colleen and Kevin Stydinger have three daughters, two of whom are homeschooled—Rachel and Sophie—using Power Homeschool. Their eldest daughter, Ellie, recently graduated. With the flexibility and customization that Power Homeschool offers, the Stydinger family seamlessly integrates travel and education, providing their children with a unique and enriching learning experience.

The Stydinger family first got the idea of homeschooling when they started planning their RV trip around the United States. However, their plans were delayed by the worldwide pandemic. Colleen and Kevin were curious about homeschooling before the pandemic, but seeing how the girls adapted to virtual schooling during the lockdowns confirmed that homeschooling was the way to go. Not letting the pandemic deter their family dreams, they traveled abroad with their first stop being France.

Summer School with Power Homeschool

Flexibility with Power Homeschool

Sophie started with Power Homeschool in 4th grade and is now in 6th grade, while Rachel began in 8th grade and is currently a sophomore in high school. Power Homeschool provided the flexibility the Stydinger family needed while traveling, as they were able to access the curriculum from anywhere, requiring just a device and a Wi-Fi connection. Sophie and Rachel could access their curriculum at any time of the day or week, allowing them to customize their schedule to suit their family’s needs. While others were doing school during traditional hours, the Stydingers explored what France had to offer, visiting art museums and the Louvre, all while keeping current on their studies.

Summer School with Power Homeschool

Seeing their children’s academics up close during the school lockdowns, Colleen noticed a lot of unnecessary distractions and filler work in traditional school. She hoped that homeschooling would eliminate distractions and help them focus on the material they needed to know. This is exactly what occurred when switching to homeschool; the girls are able to stay on task, be more independent, and explore their natural curiosities. Colleen has noticed significant changes in her daughters’ learning habits, especially in Sophie. In school, Sophie often needed reminders to stay on task due to her curious and wandering mind. Now, with homeschooling, Sophie uses her curiosity to explore new learning opportunities. Homeschooling also allows the girls to breathe, pause, and refocus when needed, a luxury that was not available at their school.

Summer School with Power Homeschool

Colleen wants parents considering homeschooling to know that the structure of homeschool benefits your child. She points out how much time is wasted in traditional school, which is why newcomers to the program often say how fast their student is progressing. Colleen highlights that the structure of homeschool is different—there are no distractions or other students, and they can stay on task more easily. With the curriculum being self-paced, students don’t have to go at the same pace as their peers but can complete their coursework within their own timeframe. Colleen mentioned that there are also hidden and unexpected benefits that come with homeschooling, many of which you won’t realize until you try it. For instance, because homeschooling provides a personalized and focused education, her daughters have gained the amazing ability to recall information they’ve learned and apply it to real life.

Between travels, the Stydinger family settles in North Carolina, with the girls doing school from 11 am to 3 pm. This schedule offers them morning flexibility while aligning with traditional school hours. They plan to continue using Power Homeschool after summer break, entering their fourth year of homeschooling. Sophie is eager to explore more history courses, inspired by her love for different cultures. Rachel is enthusiastic about continuing her art studies and enjoys the integrated math courses that keep her engaged. Both girls are excited to start American Sign Language (ASL) courses, a new addition to their curriculum. Their homeschooling journey will soon lead them abroad again, with Ireland as their next destination. The Stydingers plan to spend 18 months in Dublin, traveling throughout Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Civil Air Patrol

You can follow more of the Stydingers travels on their blog at

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