Frequently Asked Questions

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How it Works
Tuition and
How It Works
What is Power Homeschool?
- Parents can enroll students through the Power Homeschool website:
Tuition is $31.25/month per student, each student may take up to 7 courses at a time.
- Power Homeschool offers courses for students in grades PreK-12.
- Students are enrolled into courses automatically by age. Parents can add or remove courses at anytime through the Parent Account.
- Since each course is self-paced, students may enroll at any time during the calendar year. Students will start at the beginning of each course.
- Acellus uses deficiency diagnostics and vectored instruction to adjust courseware rigor. Learn More
- Parents are able to monitor student progress through the Parent Account.
- Transcripts may be requested through the system to provide a record of the courses completed by a student.
- For parents who are looking for an accredited online school where you can earn an official High School Diploma, we recommend Acellus Academy.
What is the Tuition?
What records are needed to enroll?
What is the difference between Power Homeschool and Acellus Academy?
Do you require State Testing?
What if I decide to transfer to another school?
Will my student receive a high school diploma from Power Homeschool?
How do I enroll?
What grades are offered?
How soon can my student start?
The enrollment process is completed online and only takes a few minutes. Once a student has been enrolled, they can begin immediately. There is no waiting period.
You will receive the student’s login information as soon as you complete the enrollment process. Set up your Homeschool
What is the age limit for students?
Our courses are available for students of all ages. There is no maximum age limit.
How can I obtain verification of enrollment?
Tuition and Payments
How much is Tuition?
How can I update my payment information?
How do I pause/cancel my account?
Can I get a refund if I cancel?
What happens if I miss a payment?
Will the tuition go up as my student enters higher grades?
How will my student learn at Power Homeschool?
Do students need to sign in at a certain time?
Will everything for the program be provided online?
How long does it take to complete a course?
Is the parent expected to grade the work?
How do I adjust my student's courses?
You can adjust your student’s course list through the parent account.
Do students get time off for holidays/breaks?
Do students need to participate in state testing?
How large should weekly goals be and are there any limits?
Acellus creator Dr. Roger Billings recommends limiting weekly goals to 20 steps or less per class. This helps to ensure that all students have enough time to fully understand and absorb the material before moving on. High school core courses have a pacing guide in place with a weekly step limit of 40 steps, meaning that students cannot complete one of these full year courses in less than a semester. This requirement is due to NCAA and accreditation requirements at schools who use Acellus courses. Research also shows that this approach significantly enhances students’ ability to retain and recall information for future use. For situations where parents need another option and do not need an Acellus course completion certificate, can be a useful alternative.
Parent Account
How do I log into Power Homeschool as a parent?
What can I do if I forgot my password?
Where can I find my student's ID and password?
How can I make sure my student is on track?
How can I update my payment information?
How can I view a course syllabus?
Through your Parent interface, you can view the syllabus for each course where you can see upcoming lessons and exams. This will also give you the option to review upcoming lessons by watching the lesson videos. To access the syllabus, please complete the following: Parent Sign In >> Select a Student >> Select a Course >> Syllabus List
Tutorial: Resources for Tutoring Your Student
Student Account
Where can I find my student's ID and password?
Can I create a personalized ID and password for my student?
How can students replay videos or retake lessons?
Tutorial: How to Retake Lessons/Rewatch Videos
How can students view weekly goals or know how much to do?
While studying in a course, the daily goal will be located under the Course Menu (☰) on the upper-right corner of the screen. This goal can be adjusted at anytime through the Parent interface under Manage Account.
Tutorial: How to View Goals & Progress
Does my student need a computer to take courses from Power Homeschool?
Will everything for the program be provided online?
What devices are compatible with Acellus?
How long does it take to complete a course?
Is the parent expected to grade the work?
How do I adjust my student's courses?
Need step-by-step instructions?